How to highlight your personality and values during your Personal Brand Photoshoot part II
Sophia Ndaba, choreographer and dancer, captured by Barcelona Personal Brand Photographer, Julia Malinowska
Talking about branding and keeping work - life balance with career coach and brand specialist Natalia Florek.
location: Oranzeria
How can you show your PERSONALITY & VALUES through photography?
For me every personal brand photoshoot is very individual, everyone has their story which I aim to bring out and make it unique.
While we were preparing a photoshoot for Natalia, she was focused on highlighting the work-life balance, professionalism (but not in a stiff business meaning), understanding others.
reliable, effective, hopeful, non-corporate, professional
These were the words chosen by Natalia, she wanted to show these values that described the way she works but also lives.
Sounds perfect. But how to show them through images…
This is a collaborative process and you really have to rely and trust your photographer. We talked a lot, exchanged ideas for places, poses and props that she actually uses while working. This was the moment when I became to know her again, deeply and honestly. Here is when the magic happens, this click between you and your photographer.
Natalia Florek, career coach & brand specialist, by Personal Brand Photographer, Barcelona
While she was describing me all the values and her hobbies, I was seeing images. A kind of a creative ping pong. As she was saying words like open minded, inspirational, present in the moment, mindfulness, and I was already searching for visual references. I saw images of her in a forest connecting with Mother Earth and her inner self.
By choosing the right location you’re getting closer to create a mood that you want to transmit. Remember all the additional elements like colors, your outfit, hairstyle, make-up or no make-up, posing. Every element on the photo is part of the story, is a symbol that most of us understands.
Try to include your passions while preparing a shoot list for your brand photo session. If you meditate, do it during the shooting. If you love to dance why don’t show it. Those are the values that create who you are, and those principles attract people’s attention.
Natalia wanted a visible strong connection with nature and meditation, that’s why we chose two locations and we aimed for a portrait with closed eyes. By combining the way she was dressed, the environment and pose, the ability of listening and understanding was brought out.
As for the second indoor location we didn’t choose a typical business center or studio, but a place filled with light and flowers where you can really feel comfortable and relaxed, but also motivated for work.
Natalia Florek, career coach & brand specialist,, by Personal Brand Photographer, Barcelona
Natalia Florek, career coach & brand specialist,, by Personal Brand Photographer, Barcelona
How to keep work-life balance being a successful entrepreneur?
Intimacy and Personal Touch is the answer.
When you realize that your professional values are the same as personal ones it’s the most powerful key to unlock your meaningful career. The moment of defining what’s the most important to you and then using it to create a connection between professional and personal is a victory.
Right now, facing the pandemic, we should keep our values and support each other with our actions. Being more personal, does not mean less professional, but more human and understandable. We are in a identity-drifting moment where ignoring the personal will be received apathetic and indifferent.
Find a way of hearing people fully, be gentle and compassionate not only with others but also with yourself.
Natalia Florek, career coach & brand specialist, by Personal Brand Photographer, Barcelona
Personal Brand Photography Tips:
While thinking of a personal brand photoshoot keep all this in mind and follow your character, your passions, your abilities and values.
That will allow you to think more creative, open your mind to many more possibilities, locations and it will connect you with your ideal client.
You will not only have cool pics but also you create a community and become a leader, people are going to trust and believe in you.
Let’s talk art and create magic!
If you have any questions let me know. And if you are interested in creating some stunning content in Barcelona I would be delighted to talk about your project. Just shoot me an email at:
Or find me on Instagram: @jul.malinowska